David Louis
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So many things can go wrong when we function based on our feelings rather than THE TRUTH. Emotions are unpredictable, sometimes faithless and often foolish. Emotions are a gift, but they must controlled by God’s Spirit. Our emotions, as well as our thoughts and our will, can trick us. Our emotions and thoughts must be filtered through and align withTHE TRUTH OF GOD’S WORD; and our will must be subject to His will and purposes. Like Jesus said,Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet NOT MY WILLBUT YOUR WILL BE DONE.”(Luke 22:42)

Jesus goes on to say, For I have come down from heaven NOT TO DO MY WILL BUT TO DO THEWILL OF HIM WHO SENT ME. For MYFATHER’S WILL IS THAT EVERYONE WHOBELIEVES IN THE SON SHALL HAVEETERNAL LIFE (John 6:38-40) When Jesus died, He died once to break the power of sin. But now that He lives, He lives for the glory of God. So YOU ALSO SHOULD CONSIDERYOURSELVES TO BE DEAD TO THE POWER OFSIN AND ALIVE TO GOD THROUGH CHRIST JESUS. Do not let sin control the way you live;DO NOT GIVE IN TO SINFUL DESIRES. (Rom. 6:10-12)

We have been given THEDESIRE AND THE POWER to obey God and turn away from sin…

-Bill Stockham