David Louis
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TEACH ME YOUR WAY, LORD, that I may rely on your faithfulness; UNITE (yachad: make my heart one with you) MY HEART TO FEAR YOUR NAME. I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heartyou, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.” (Psa. 86:11-15)  For the eyes of the LORD search the whole earth to strengthen those WHOSE HEARTS ARE FULLY COMMITTED TO HIM…” (2 Chron. 16:9)

How do we show we are FULLY COMMITTED to the Lord?

#1: We trust completely. This doesn’t mean we have to know or understand everything that happens. We have the confidence that God knows.

#2: We rely upon God as opposed to making things happen ourselves. When our heart is undivided towards God our confidence is that God will do what we cannot accomplish ourselves.

#3: We strive to practice unquestioning obedience in our life. It’s living out the motto: “God said it; I believe it; that settles it.” No, it isn’t always easily done but when our heart is fully committed to the Lord, the decision to follow the Lord is no longer debated. We live it.

#4: We exercise simple faith. The more we know of God’s nature and character, the more we know of His love for us, the more confidence we will have that trusting Him makes sense.

#5: We are totally committed to His will and purpose in our life.  Jesus Christ has become our Lord, and we strive to follow Him. No, we’re not perfect, but we are committed. We’ve gone public and We’ve RUN UP OUR COLORS.


-Bill Stockham